
Need for Daylight at the End of Daylight Saving Time

Length of the day has already decreased by 7 1/2 hours, it is time to let our clocks jump one hour backward to end Daylight Saving Time on October 30. Daylight is a vital source of energy for human beings. When we are exposed to plenty of daylight we have a general sense of well-being – because daylight has an effect on our so-called circadian rhythm regulation, our sleep quality and alertness. Reality is however that we spend 90% of our time indoors. But by raising levels of daylight in buildings, the people using them and living in them will feel less of the stress factors caused by lack of daylight. The most efficient way to get daylight into a building is through the roof. Research shows that daylight has a better light quality than electric lighting and with roof windows it is possible to avoid using artificial light even on a grey day. Available video includes general views of day light and VELUX products bringing light into houses.